World Union of Lasallian Former Students
Union Mundial de Antiguos Alumnos Lasallistas
Union Mondiale des Anciens Élèves Lasalliens
UMAEL is an international non-profit association linked to the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Its members are the Federations and Associations of Lasallian Former Students who freely wish to form part of this international network, through a feeling of belonging to the Lasallian Family.

Our Purpose
UMAEL is an international non-profit association linked to the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Its members are the Federations and Associations of Lasallian Former Students who freely wish to form part of this international network, through a feeling of belonging to the Lasallian Family.
To unite all Federations and Associations of Lasallian Former Students in the world in order to promote a real sense of belonging and availability to support the mission of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, so that thanks to the values transmitted in Lasallian Schools, a society of justice and solidarity may be built.
To be an international body with its own activities and resources, associated with the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, at the service of all Federations and Associations of Lasallian Former Students in the world.
Heirs and Promoters of the Lasallian Educational Project;
Men and Women of Communication and Solidarity; Committed in Social Life.
To see more details about our objectives click here
Membership and Participation
We must not confuse being a former student with being a member of the Association of Former Students. To belong to the Association is a free act, no one can be obliged to belong to it. This statement, even though it is a statement of common sense, must be made. In many schools in our area, activities are organized, centered around those who are graduating, like farewell celebrations, for example. Annual celebrations are held for these people and there are occasional meetings for those from a particular graduated class. There is no objection to these activities, but one should remember that those who participate in them may be associates or not.
Support the Association financially.
Registered members
Support the Association by their presence at particular activities, but are not involved in any other way.
Supporting Members
Have the ideals at heart; they support activities and encourage those who make them possible, but they aren’t committed to the Association.
Committed Members
Our full-fledged members, they are active and willing to be involved in formation processes, to accept responsibilities within the Association, and to accept commitment to our Shared Mission.